Final Fantasy XI

Memoria de la S^tona


看到了mel翻譯的CoP Memoria de la S^tona (一直覺得她很厲害~FFXI有很多故事細節老實說我真的沒有細心留意過),興之所致也想要去重溫一下詩句的出處~

好了,究竟Memoria de la S^tona這首歌在Vana’diel中流存著多少版本?

1. 片頭動畫中的世界語版本


Now flows innocent blood
On Vana’diel, a vast land
The entire world trembles
In despair from the scourge

By no fate
By no strength

But through the stormy night
Behold: a star of glory shines!
Against a brutal outcry
Behold: a hymn springs forth!

A shining star, a ringing song:
Dream and pray for us!

Vana’diel! Vana’diel!

Hand and hand together
Across the limitless eternity
We will no longer be put asunder
We will no longer be bound!

原文的世界語很帥﹗ >.< 而這曲似乎是CoP第二至三頌詩的簡潔版本。

2. Chains of Promathia的五頌詩

五頌詩的名字來自CoP 原聲大碟的曲名。在頌詩名稱上我加上了該曲在CoP任務上出現的地方。基本上CoP故事線之一為找出五頌歌的正確版本來喚醒眾神…不過最後當然不需要 XD

First Ode : Lay of the Immortals

It all began with a stone, or so the legend says.
In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness.
Its many-colored light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty gods.
Bathed in that light, the world entered an age of bliss until, after a time,
the gods fell into slumber.
That world was called Vana’diel.
Our world, Vana’diel

此頌詩有兩個名字…在遊戲中的為”Lay of the Immortals”不滅者之沉睡,在OST上的命名為”Nocturne of the Gods”眾神之夜曲,呃,後者有詩意得多…

Second Ode: Distant Promises

However, this age will not last.
The great bane will devour the fair land of Vana’diel.
The ancient seal will be broken, awakening nightmares of ages past.
A tragic age of darkness will reign.
And yet, the gods will not wake from their slumber…
That world was called Vana’diel.

OST上我最喜歡的頌詩為這一首 XD

Third Ode: Memoria de la S^tona

Innocent blood spills forth onto the plains of Vana’diel.
The world shudders as she is thrust into chaos and despair.
Neither power nor destiny can bring an end to what has already begun.
However, thorough the storm of the night, a star of glory shines bright.
Through the howling of the beasts, the song rings clear.
Shining star, echoing song,
You are our dreams and prayers.

Forth Ode: Fourth Ode:Clouded Dawn

That star is you, and the song is yours.
And someday, that hope will become our dreams…our prayers…
Shine forth, star of hope! Let your song ring out across all of Vana’diel!
And what was split asunder will once more become whole.
Complete and inseparable for all eternity.

Fifth Ode:A Time for Prayer

And so the legend ends…

Ulmia在Selbina找到Aldo在戰爭中失散的姐姐Emeline,她是Ulmia兒時在教堂聖樂團中的朋友。Louverance利用Mimeo Mirror (Yoran-Oran本來想用它來顯示他在Tavnazian Safehold沒有留下私生子XD) 將Mathilde 記憶深處的第五頌顯示出來,但只有以上殘缺的兩句,要知道是什麼嘛…記得買4月的新迷你資料片 -_-


3. Raise of Zilart (Celestial Nexus)片尾出現的詩句

It all began with a stone, or so the legend says.
In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness. Its many-colored light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty gods.
Bathed in that light, the world entered an age of bliss until, after a time, the gods fell into slumber.
That world was called Vana’diel.

However, this age will not last.
The great bane will devour the fair land of Vana’diel.
The ancient seal will be broken, awakening nightmares of ages past.
The blood of innocents will soak the earth, and the world will fall into fear and despair.
But as one bright star shines through the clouds at night…
And as one song rings clear above the roar of beasts…
We hold to one hope in these darkest of times.

That star is you, and the song is yours.
And someday, that hope will become our dreams…our prayers…
Shine forth, star of hope! Let your song ring out across all of Vana’diel!
And what was split asunder will once more become whole.
Complete and inseparable for all eternity.


1) CoP版本在第三頌強調眾神在黑暗的世代仍不會醒來

2) 此版本(紅字)跟第三頌在字眼上開始有點不同,那顆「star」在CoP版本上為眾人的「夢想(Dreams)」及「禱告(Prayers)」,但在ZM版本上為「唯一的希望(One Hope)」。在字眼上看,CoP版本似乎比較絕望(笑)。

4. Lion提及她認識的水晶戰士的傅說,跟Eald’narche召喚他們出來的詩句

(此為本來ZM Cutscene原文)

It all began with a stone, or so the legend says.
In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness. Its many-colored light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty gods.
Bathed in that light, the world entered an age of bliss until, after a time, the gods fell into slumber. That world was called Vana’diel.

(Lion: The legend goes on to say…)
From the darkest depths of the earth the Warriors of the Crystal rose…


The legend begins as so.
The Beginning of everything was with the stone.

A long long ago, this beautiful living stone,
With its shining of seven colors banished the darkness,
Filled the world with life,
And gave birth to powerful gods.

Happiness and light blessed ages continued,
And soon the gods have gone to their sleep.
The name of this world is Vana’diel.

Sometime after, a great tribulation
Was about to fill this blessed land of Vana’diel.
The ancient seal, after resisting dark power for thousands of years,
Was broken and awakening the ending nightmare.

Innocent blood will flow through the great land.
The world will be enveloped by fear, sadness, and disparity.

However, this does not mean there is no hope…
There exists one star, shining brightly
Even through the nights of the harshest storms.
There exists a powerful song,
Not being vanished by the howls of any beasts.

That’s right.
Proud ones,
Filled with wisdom, courage, and determination…

Now, awaken from the dark slumber.
Stand now, the legendary heroes.
The crystal warriors!



無責任推論︰為什麼歌中的故事在現在的Vana’diel大陸變成這樣子?Lion他們都知道有水晶戰士存在,但不知道(或扭曲了)他們的由來及Zilart一族的存在。水晶戰士為Zilart所創造的,用以守護詩中的「Ancient Seal」(?)以及族人。在ZM任務中,為什麼要打水晶戰士?因為他們只聽從Zilart族Kam’lanaut來執行他清洗Vana’diel的野心,或者對Zilart族Kam’lanaut來說「星」就是「水晶戰士」了

(BTW, 在Zilart族的時代還沒有五種族,為什麼水晶戰士會有五種族的外貌卻是一個謎了…)

(Eald’narche: I can hear them approaching… Minions of the Crystal.)

But as one bright star shines through the clouds at night…
And as one song rings clear above the roar of beasts…
We hold to one hope in these darkest of times.

無責任推論︰The glory star of hope = 5 crystal warriors?


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  • Orta September 24, 2009 at 8:23 pm

    Hi there

  • karla September 26, 2009 at 12:25 am

    Hi, and congrats!

    .. you probably left the shortest comment on this site!

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